A friend of a friend approached me with questions about open adoption the other day. “Do you ever wish you had just walked away? Closed the door on everything after leaving the hospital?” My answer needed only a split second of reflection. “No.” In my days without Dominic, — about 500 since he was born […]
How I’m Raising an Invisible Child
In my childhood, three imaginary friends kept me company. Small in stature, Golly, Hammer and Guys ate dinner, played tea parties and ran outside with me. I always became upset when one of my parents accidentally sat on them and squished them. Golly, Hammer and Guys were imaginary. Even though I outgrew them, sometimes I […]
When Memories Arise from Everyday Living
This week I was bitten by a dog. I won’t go into the specifics, so suffice to say, it really hurt. As I wailed on the floor of my house with a towel wrapped around my injured arm, I immediately thought, “Why am I crying? This doesn’t hurt nearly as much as giving birth!” That […]
Dreadful Nights
When you cry yourself to sleep, The world is wrapped in silence. The stillness only speaks To your overwhelming darkness. When you cry yourself to sleep, And no one stays to hear, The loneliness can overtake The good memories you hold dear. When you cry yourself to sleep, Your sorrow knows no bounds. The pain […]