To Be Better, Stop Being Bad

When writing, I sometimes use clichés because I’m lazy. I opt to be un-creative. Yet I want to be a better writer, one who doesn’t use clichés. Pondering this dilemma, I realized the only way for me to truly get better was to quit being bad — to quit giving myself a free pass to

Why I Wait in the Wings

Every day since Dominic was born, I find myself waiting. I wait for a phone call from Marie. I wait for her to post new pictures to our shared Google Drive folder. I wait for the tears and pain to pass. I wait for the clock to tick away the minutes until my next visit.

Why I ‘Gave,’ Not ‘Placed,’ My Child

Use of language is highly specific to context. In the realm of adoption, professionals and birthmothers alike seem to have a particular preference when referring to the act of adoption, describing it as a “placement.” Being new to the adoption world, I have struggled to use “correct” terminology out of ignorance, not insensitivity. I am

The Adoption Inquisition

“Didn’t you have a baby?” I was at the gym. A girl who knows both me and my baby’s father spotted me and said hello. Then she immediately pounced on the subject of my pregnancy. “Well, yes.” I hesitated before mumbling, “I decided to give him for adoption.” “Oh, Emily! I’m so sorry! If you

Unplanned Pleasantries

As a little girl, I had big dreams. I wanted to be a college graduate, a wife, a mother. I’ve achieved these dreams, but not in the way my little girl imagination had laid it out. In the perfect world inside my head, I thought I would go to college, find a husband, start a